Adriel White


I am studying for a B.S. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2026.

Interests: Programming, Software Engineering, Algorithms, Cybersecurity


Project Portal Hawaii 2024

A team project which serves as an intake portal and showcase for software projects.

Software Engineering Meteor React/Bootstrap GitHub

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C++ Database 2023

A database which allows records to be created, deleted, searched for and saves the data in a txt file.

C C++ GitHub

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HEARTS Spring 2022 Choir Performance 2022

I sang and narrated in a large-scale production at Hawaii Theatre.

Singing Extracuricular Public Speaking

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Tron - Scratch Project 2017

I came up with the idea and implemented a simple Tron bike game that can be played PvP or player vs computer.

Basic Progamming Creativity Game Design

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Solutions in Software

10 May 2024

My first encounter with programming occurred when I was in elementary school and was addicted to Khan Academy. Taking the basic coding courses on Khan Academy introduced me to the fun world of coding. Interestingly, the basic courses on Khan...

Software Engineering Javascript React Design Patterns Agile Project Management

Does AI Hinder Learning in Tech Fields?

07 May 2024

I. Introduction The increased use of AI presents a unique issue to education. On one hand AI can be used to cheat, putting answers at students’ fingertips, which allows them to forgo learning and instead throw homework problems into ChatGPT....

Software Engineering AI Chat GPT

Design Patterns: Don't Reinvent the Wheel

26 Apr 2024

In the world of software development, a common challenge is the constant need to reinvent solutions to common problems. As a student in an algorithms class, I often tackle familiar coding problems. While we analyze algorithms and their efficiencies, the...

Software Engineering Design Patterns Java Algorithms

Higher Standards: Better Code

08 Feb 2024

I am both a college student and a perfectionist. This is a devastating combination. College courses are usually so fast paced that there is no time to worry about a few sub-par grades on past assignments. And yet, I do...

Coding Standards ESLint Javascript

Good Questions Require Effort

25 Jan 2024

I played chess competitively for over a decade while I was in school. One thing that has stayed with me from this experience is something my coach would often say. He would set up a chess position and ask the...

Questions Answers StackOverflow

Javascript: The Best Coding Language?

17 Jan 2024

Programming languages are never perfect. They all have elements that are great about them and elements that make them quite frustrating to work with. Additionally, not everyone interacts with the different languages in the same manner. One person looks at...

Software Engineering Javascript